To date, however, even with the liberalization of trade in services during the Uruguay Round, little has been done to loosen conditions governing the temporary movement of labor supplying services. 然而,迄今为止,尽管有了乌拉圭回合期间的服务业贸易自由化,但在放松对服务业劳动力临时性流动的管理条件方面几乎没有任何动作。
Economic globalization will promote the liberalization of trade and investment, and has accelerated the process in technology transfer and industrial structure adjustment. 经济全球化将促进贸易和投资的自由化。加速了技术转让和产业结构调整的进程。
The Coordination of the Liberalization of Trade in Financial Service and Sovereign Wills 金融服务贸易自由化与主权意志的协调&基于对国家金融管理权的考察
However, when the liberalization of trade in financial services brought benefits to the world especially to most developing countries, it also brought tremendous impingement to the stabilization and safety of their finance and economy. 但是金融服务贸易自由化在给世界各国,特别是广大发展中国家带来利益的同时,也增大了其金融和经济风险,对其金融和经济的稳定与安全产生了巨大的冲击。
The liberalization of trade has become an important component of economical globalization, which is of a greater concern, playing a more and more major role in the development of the world economy. 贸易自由化作为经济全球化的一个重要组成部分,正在愈益引起人们的关注,并且对世界经济发挥着越来越大的作用。
China will also take steps to promote the liberalization of trade in services. 中国还将积极采取措施推进服务贸易的开放。
The Different Impact of the Liberalization of Trade in Service and Merchandise Trade on the Economic Growth 服务贸易与货物贸易自由化对经济增长影响的差异性研究
The OECD was established in1961in an effort for developed natio to study and implement economic reform in market economies, co-ordinate aid to developing countries, increase the liberalization of trade and establish a forum where trade matters could be discu ed. 经济发展合作组织成立于1961年,旨在为发达国家学习和实施市场经济改革,对发展中国家进行联合援助,增大贸易的自由度并建立讨论贸易问题的论坛。
Economic globalization has brought along the liberalization of trade in accounting services. Under this background, new developing trends turn up in the world's accounting service industry. 经济全球化带动了会计服务贸易的自由化,在经济全球化的背景下,世界会计服务行业出现新的发展态势。
So the liberalization of trade of the financial service is to follow global economy liberalization and inexorable trend globalized. 因此,金融服务贸易自由化是伴随着全球经济自由化和全球化的必然趋势。
With the development of the rise of the economic globalization tide and international liberalization of trade, environmental protection and sustainable development become the mainstream of the world; GATT-WTO also pays much attention, too. 随着经济全球化浪潮的兴起和国际贸易自由化的发展,环境保护和可持续发展成为世界主流,作为经济贸易协调机制的GATT&WTO也对之充分重视。
Through an analysis of the original trade strategy and a study of the present one, this article proposes liberalization of trade with management strategy in the style of opening. 本文通过对我国原有贸易战略的分析,根据我国面临的新形势对当前贸易战略的转变进行研究,提出了开放型有管理的贸易自由化战略。
The achievement of the EU prefigures the trend of development of the liberalization of trade in legal services in global areas with the facilitation of the WTO and other international economic organizations. 欧盟的这一成果,预示着法律服务贸易自由化在WTO等国际经济组织的推动下,在全球范围内发展的趋势。
WTO's liberalization of trade and the development of the international trade law WTO的贸易自由化与国际贸易法的发展
On the Multi-Functionality of Agriculture in the Liberalization of Trade 贸易自由化进程中的农业多功能性
As a kind of regional economic and trade arrangement under the frame of WTO, CEPA has standardized the relevant contents such as the tariff and non-tariff measures of trade in goods, the liberalization of trade in service, and the convenience of trade investment. CEPA就有关货物贸易的关税与非关税措施、服务贸易自由化和贸易投资便利化等内容进行了规范。
In this process, the conflicts between developed countries 'opinions of the liberalization of trade and investment and the developing countries' opinions of opposition to the limitation of management right in investment and realization of development objective are the main contradictions controlling the development of the Agreement. 在协议演进过程中,发达国主张贸易和投资的自由化与发展中国家反对限制投资管制权和发展目标的斗争,是左右协议发展的主要矛盾。
The purpose of APEC is to realize the liberalization of trade and investment and to strengthen the economical and technical co-operation between members, in order to push forward the economical development of Asia-Pacific area. APEC的宗旨是实现贸易投资自由化和加强成员经济体间的经济技术合作,推动亚太地区的经济发展。
The liberalization of trade and investment and che economical and technical co-operation are deemed as "'two wheels" to push forward the development of APEC. The two aspects applied in the field of shipping industry constitute the shipping policies of APEC. 贸易投资自由化和经济技术合作,被称为推动APEC前进的两个轮子,这两方面在海运领域的反映也就构成了APEC的海运政策。
Strategic choice in the process of the liberalization of trade in china west area 我国西部地区在贸易自由化进程中的战略选择
The accelerating moving forward of liberalization of trade on world financial service will bring enormous influence on the economy of the developing country and the development of the finance, the outstanding behaviors is the safe danger in national finance field. 全球金融服务贸易自由化的加速推进,必将对发展中国家的经济和金融的发展带来巨大的影响,突出地表现在对国家金融安全所造成的危害上。
Facing the billowy wave of global liberalization of trade in financial services, we must have clear comprehension of it and make systemic study in theory and deep consideration in practice. 面对全球金融服务贸易自由化的滚滚浪潮,我们必须对金融服务贸易自由化有清醒的认识,并进行理论上的系统研究和实践上的深入思考。
Members carried on many discussions about this issue and submitted some original bills in order to promote multilateral liberalization of trade in environmental goods and services through negotiations. 各成员方针对这项议题的相关内容不但进行了多次讨论,而且提交了很多独到的议案,意图通过谈判与协商的方式,促进环境商品与服务贸易的多边自由化。
With the development of economic globalization, many countries have implemented trade liberalization policies. The liberalization of trade may have significant impacts on the mechanism of inflation formation and development. Hence, inflation has become more complex. 随着经济全球化的发展,许多国家都实施了贸易开放的政策,贸易的开放可能会对通货膨胀的形成和发展机制产生重大影响,通货膨胀变得更加复杂。
The liberalization of trade in services for domestic economic impact has become one of the important research subject academic influence of, of the labour market is one of the more compelling fields. 服务贸易的开放对国内经济的影响已经成为学术界的重要研究课题之一,对劳动力市场的影响就是其中一个越来越引人注目的领域。
It is because of the existence of differences between different countries and conflicts of interests, there are opportunities and risks, which determines the liberalization of trade in service is a gradual process. 正是由于存在着不同国家之间的利益差异与冲突,存在着机遇与风险,所以也就决定了服务贸易自由化是一个渐进的过程。
It focuses on what is liberalization of trade in financial services and why it should be implemented. 主要说明什么是金融服务贸易自由化和为什么要实施金融服务贸易自由化的问题。
Now, the liberalization of trade has become the subject of the international economy development. 如今,贸易自由化已成为国际经济发展的主题。
The trend in liberalization of trade in environmental goods and services makes developing countries face with unprecedented problems and challenges. It is necessary for developing country to adjust domestic policies and legal system in order to adapt to this trend better. 环境商品与服务贸易自由化趋势使得发展中国家面临着前所未有的问题与挑战,为了更好地顺应这一趋势,发展中国家有必要适时调整国内政策和法律体系。
Along with the international economic integration and liberalization of trade, technical barriers to trade ( TBT) has become one of the most important instruments to gain trade profits for countries with the decreasing of tariff and other non-tariff barriers. 随着国际经济一体化的发展和贸易的自由化,在传统的关税和非关税壁垒藩篱不断拆除的同时,TBT已经成为世界各国调整贸易利益的重要手段。